I'm Amy and I own Sadie Blossoms. Sadie was our family vizsla and is the best namesake I could have for my business. It is a daily reminder that joy comes in the little things.
I'm an empty nester mom of two twenty-somethings who have the best ideas for Sadie Blossoms and are the first to tell me when I make a good post! and they put up with my love of emoji texts.
I have a phenomenal husband who thinks about things like painting the floor in my studio when it's a slow week and he will carry anything but flowers (he's afraid he will break them).
I am a middle child and embrace all that means. My siblings can make me laugh harder than anyone and they know just what to say when I need some reassurance.
I love coffee! I could eat grilled cheese everyday. I have been having fun making chopped salads. I am so excited that there is now a Jeni’s in town.
I love a good rain storm and the blue skies of spring weather. The ocean is my happy place and I love the sound of water.
I love audiobooks ~ great for when I'm working or in the car. I've been doing embroidery for a couple years and I'm having fun experimenting with different patterns.
I'm happy y'all are here following along and hope that "happy flowers make happy days " for you too.